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Who was Cassiopeia, and Why was she placed in the night sky?
I’m jumping back into the myths! Cassiopeia was my favorite constellation in the sky when I was a child, and I swore to my grandmother at the time that I’d name my daughter after her. Years later, I’ve ditched that idea and decided to write an article instead.
Who was Cassiopeia?
Cassiopeia was a beautiful woman from Greek mythology who became the queen of Aethiopia after marrying King Cepheus. She conceived a daughter with him named Andromeda. Although Cassiopeia and her daughter were considered breathtaking by Greek standards, the queen made sure to flaunt this feature to anyone nearest to her. Little did she know that her vainness would be her downfall.
Which myths mention Cassiopeia the most?
Cassiopeia found her place in Greek mythology alongside gods including Poseidon and heroes including Perseus. The myth starts where Cassiopeia enrages Poseidon because she claimed that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the Nereids. King Nereus, the god of the sea, fathered fifty nymphs who were collectively named the Nereids.
Poseidon held domain over the seas and became offended by the queen’s boastfulness. His anger also…